Campus News

Kindergarten Art Project Debuts at ECDS Open House

Mar 11 / 2025

The premier showing of an epic art project created by ECDS Kindergartners took place at the school’s 2024-25 Open House, an annual event held on the first Sunday in February. To accentuate Kindergartners’ study of aquatic marine mammals during the month of January, students created a 3-dimensional model of a Narwhal whale in their weekly studio art class. Art teacher Matt Perdoni summed up the experience: “Building consensus with nearly 40 Kindergartners to define details about our annual whale project — it’s name, species, and how it became separated from its pod — creates a spirit of collaboration that enhances the collective artistic expression and creative processes that yield the finished art piece.” Perdoni also added that “a unique feature of this year’s whale project is that the Narwhal, Radical Lightening Dude, has two tusks, which one of the students suggested based on a story he had heard.” Perdoni’s subsequent research confirmed that twin-tusked Narwhals do exist in the wild.

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