The ECDS Spring Musical will be “The Aristocats”, directed by ECDS Drama Instructors, Mr. Kraig Kidd-Dragula and Ms. Deb’bora John-Wilson. The Aristocats is an old Disney classic that is the story of Madame, a retired opera singer living in Paris, who is planning to leave her entire estate to her beloved cat, Duchess and her three kittens, Marie, Toulouse, and Berlioz. However Edgar, the butler, is upset that her fortune is not being left to him and he comes up with a scheme to get it. Will he succeed? The Aristocats is a musical filled with a lot of action and a wonderful story for students of all ages.
Students can schedule an audition for the show on Monday, February 9 OR Tuesday, February 10 from 3:30-5:00 pm. All students should come in comfortable clothes for movement and be prepared to sing a song of their choice. Parents should attend one of the Production Information Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, February 3 from 3:15-4:30 pm OR Wednesday, February 4 from 9:15-10:30 am. A description of the show, detailed outline of the expectations and rehearsal schedule and associated cost will be presented at the meeting. Sign-up sheets for the auditions and parent information meetings are in the school office.