Campus News

Thanksgiving Feasts at the Manchester Avenue Campus

Dec 03 / 2014

Last Tuesday, Manchester Avenue students celebrated Thanksgiving with their Thanksgiving Feasts. One of the special traditions of the annual Thanksgiving Feast is that older students help set up and serve the feast for younger students. In preparation for the feast, students chopped vegetables and prepared soups and other delicious food in their classrooms. At the feast, Kindergarten students dressed in colorful Native American and Pilgrim hats, and enjoyed delicious squash soup, bread, and pie.1st and 2nd Grade students enjoyed turkey rollups, fruit, vegetables, and pie at their feast. 4th through 8th Grade teachers served the special food items their classes had created for their feast, includinga variety of vegetable soups, fruit, bread, and pie. 6th Grade students also prepared several traditional Native American dishes to illustrate what they’ve learned about Native American food in their class this year, including butternut squash and Wampanoag Nasaump (cornmeal with maple syrup, pumpkin seeds, and raspberries).

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