Auditions for “The Music Man” are tomorrow, Saturday, Feb. 4. Contact Ms. Colby at to sign up for an audition. Don’t miss our big events next week – the ECDS Spelling Bee on Thursday, Feb. 9 at 9:15 am in the Library, and the Middle School Music & Drama Performances on Friday, Feb. 10 at 2:00 pm in the Amphitheatre.
February is a busy month with a number of school events. We will be holding the school-wide Spelling Bee finals in the Library on Thursday, Feb. 9. The individual classrooms held their classroom bees this week to determine their representatives. Parents are reminded that this event is open to everyone, so please come and invite Grandma and Grandpa to root on your child. I have talked with all of the class representatives and have given each of the finalists a copy of the rules we will be using in the finals. If you have any questions, please ask me before the competition. Middle School Music and Drama performances are also being held next week, on Friday, Feb. 10 at 2:00 in the Amphitheater. Parents and grandparents are invited, and don’t forget your cameras!
The Student Council will again be selling Candy Grams as part of their yearlong fundraising efforts to pay for the Middle School Day Trip. Candy Grams will be available before and after school from Wed. Feb. 8 through Tuesday, Feb. 14, when the morning sales on Feb. 14 will be the last chance to buy a Candy Gram. The Middle School students will make sure the Candy Grams are delivered to each classroom after lunch on the 14th. Everyone will also enjoy the much-loved Valentine’s Day Cake Walk, to be held from 2:15 until 4 pm on Tuesday, Feb. 14. Pre-S through Kindergarten from both campus will have the Cake Walk to themselves from 2:15 until 3 pm when grades 1-5 are released for the day.
Everyone will get a chance to take a deep breath, and maybe even plan a little trip, as the school will be closed Friday, Feb 17 through Monday, Feb. 20. This 4 day weekend is in honor of President’s Day.
Mark your calendars now for the ECDS Spring Open House, which will be on Sunday, February 26 from 1-4 PM. Current and prospective parents are encouraged to attend, so please invite friends and family who might be interested in coming to visit ECDS. Come and talk with the teachers at your child’s next grade level, as part of your decision process of which teacher to request for next year. All the teachers will have classroom projects and artwork displayed in their classrooms. Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Daly, our ECDS Art teachers, will display spectacular artwork created by your children in an Art Show in the library. Middle School Science Projects will be displayed in the Science room. We hope everyone will make time in your schedule to come to the school and let your children show off the work they have been doing inside the classroom, as well as in the Performing Arts area.
Mr. Byrum’s Middle School students in grades 6-8 have been very busy this year and especially this month preparing their Science Fair projects which are due Friday, Feb. 24. The projects will be displayed to all the students in the lower grades and will be evaluated by the teachers. First, Second, and Third place prizes will be awarded in each grade level, as well as one student being awarded the Best Project overall. These projects will also be available for viewing by parents, at the ECDS Open House on Sunday afternoon, Feb. 26.
— Mr. Lehmunn
We are officially into our first week of February, although who would believe it with all the amazing sunny weather we’ve been having. This Friday, Feb. 3, concluded our early enrollment period at the 2011-12 rates. Not to worry, you may still re-enroll your child and reserve a spot for the 2012-13 school year with the new rates.
Valentine’s day will soon be upon us. This year it will fall on Tuesday, Feb. 14. Be sure to check with your child’s teacher for the sign-up sheets if you would like to bring anything to the classroom parties. You may also bring in non-addressed Valentine’s Day cards as well for your child to hand out to their classmates. In addition, make time to visit our Manchester Ave. campus as the PTO will be hosting a cakewalk. The time from 2:15-3:00 is reserved for the Pre-S through Kindergartners so stop by, have a good time and visit your future campus.
We will be having a 4-day weekend from Feb 17-20 in observance of President’s Day. We will be closed on Friday Feb. 17 and Monday, Feb. 20. One last side note for parents. Please remember to pack a warm sweater or jacket for your child. Even though the days have been sunny, the wind is still a little nippy and we want to keep everyone nice and warm. Have a great weekend!
— Ms. Safarik
If you will be driving for an upcoming field trip, please check with the office to make sure your documents have not expired. Remember, insurance certificates expire every six months, and registration expires yearly. Everything must be current prior to the day of the trip.
Parents of students in 5th & 6th grades are invited to a Middle School Q&A next Wednesday, Feb. 8 from 6-8 pm in the ECDS Library. Mrs. Porterfield-LaBerge and Mr. Lehmunn will be there to answer all your questions about the ECDS Middle School program. Free childcare will be provided by the school. More information can be found in the Evite invitation you received in your email, and we’d appreciate an RSVP through Evite so we know how many adults and children will be attending.
Valentine’s Day Activities
We’ll have lots of fun activities on Valentine’s Day for all ages (download the flyer). The Cake Walk will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 14 from 2:15 to 4 pm. Please sign up in your child’s classroom to bring in a cake, so we’ll have enough cakes to give out at this fun event. We’re also planning a new Cupcake Lounge for Middle School students, where they can decorate and eat cupcakes and hang out with all their friends. We will need 10 parent or grandparent volunteers for the event. If you can help on the day of the Valentine’s Day event, please contact Betty Jo Billick or Susan Morone. Don’t miss this fun event – your kids will love it!
Land’s End has requested that we ask parents to fill out a survey to make sure their school uniform products are meeting our needs. If you purchased school uniform clothing from Lands’ End this year, please click on this link and fill out their 3-minute survey.