ECDS Thanksgiving Feasts at both campuses will be next Weds. Nov. 23. These feasts are a reverent reenactment of the first Thanksgiving by ECDS students and teachers as a longstanding special tradition of the school. Each class makes soup with their teacher, and the older students help with setup and serving the younger children. Parents can volunteer to help in accordance with what your classroom teacher needs. This is a student event rather than a parent event, so we ask you to be guided by your teacher. Don’t forget that school is closed next Thursday, Nov. 24 and Friday, Nov. 25 for the Thanksgiving holiday!
This school year has really flown by and will continue to do so with all the events scheduled for the next month. Tonight, we have the Family Movie night, next week are the Thanksgiving Feasts and Thanksgiving celebrations, and we are already getting started on building our float for this year’s Holiday Parade which is Saturday, Dec. 3. Winter sports season is starting next week with the Girl’s soccer team, Boy’s soccer team, and Boy’s basketball team each having their first practices. The Boy’s soccer team will practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the Girl’s team will practice on Mondays and Wednesdays. Boy’s Basketball will practice on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Don’t worry if you were unable to come to the tryouts last week. Stop by the office anytime to complete the sign up form, then just go to the soccer field or basketball court ready for practice at 3:20.
Moms and Dads will shop until they drop at the PTO’s annual Holiday Shopping Extravaganza to be held in the Library on Wednesday, Dec. 7. All of the Preschool through Grade 5 classrooms are starting to get ready for the Holiday programs that will be held the week of December 12, followed by the class parties that week as well. Finally, everyone gets to take a deep breath and begin their final preparations for your own holiday family celebrations. With all of these events happening, I encourage everyone to take time to make sure that our children are getting good, healthy meals and are getting to bed on time for a good night’s sleep. I would hate to see anyone get sick and miss any of these wonderful events.
I wanted to thank all of the PTO Board members and members at large who worked so hard to help make the Family Movie Night possible. It is always so nice to see parents and kids having a good time together. In addition, the faculty and staff would like to thank the PTO for the wonderful lunch they provided for us on Thursday. You spoil us all.
— Mr. Lehmunn
Thanksgiving is almost here! All of the children are finishing up making their Pilgrim and Native American Indian outfits for our upcoming Feast. They are looking forward to preparing the ingredients for the stew. If you were kind enough to donate any ingredients, please bring them to your child’s classroom either Monday November 21st or Tuesday, November 22nd, depending on what day you attend. Please bring all items in the morning so the children can start cooking. If you signed up for pies, corn bread, whipped cream or juice…these items can be brought into the office in the morning of the Feast, Wednesday, November 23rd. If you are a volunteer for this event, we will be meeting in the office @ 9:15. We will be closed next week on both Thursday and Friday November 24th & 25th.
Have a wonderful week next week and a warm and Happy Thanksgiving with your families.
— Ms. Safarik
When you are out holiday shopping, please plan to drop by the Encinitas Barnes & Noble bookstore on Sunday, December 11 and Monday, December 12. These are ECDS-sponsored days at Barnes & Noble, and our library will receive a percentage on anything purchased those days (except for gift cards). We will also be doing gift-wrapping on Sunday, so bring the kids in, do some shopping and once again, help support our Library. Online shopping will also get credit December 11 through December 14! Ms. Marasco, our ECDS Librarian, will be providing more information after Thanksgiving, and please talk with her if you have any questions about this event.
Thanks to everyone who participated in our Dine-Out event at Souplantation this week! We provided lunch to all the teachers on the dine-out day, so they enjoyed eating a nice lunch in the company of all the other teachers. Special thanks go to Rachel Hell and Jennifer Levine for setting up this wonderful lunch for the teachers.
Sign up now to participate in this year’s Encinitas Holiday Parade on Saturday, Dec. 3! Our ECDS parade float’s theme will be “Encinitas or Bust”, and students and parents of grades 1-8 are invited to walk with the float to represent ECDS in the parade. Parents of students in grades 1-5 must accompany their student the whole time of the parade. We need Middle School students to ride and dance on the float and walk beside the float. They’ll be dressed in swimsuits or surfer outfits (rash guard shirts and swim shorts) worn over other clothes so they stay warm during the parade. Students in grades 1-5 and their parents will be wearing blue shirts (worn over other clothes to stay warm), to represent a continuation of the wave design from the float. Sign up by sending email to with your student’s name and grade. We also need help painting and decorating the float, so come and help us up behind the amphitheater after school every day through Dec. 2.
Come and shop during our Holiday Shopping Extravaganza on Wednesday, Dec. 7 in the ECDS Library from 8:30-10:30 am, and 2-4 pm. You’ll find teacher gifts, gifts for family, girlfriends and maybe something for yourself, too! Visitors will enjoy vendors that will be featuring hostess gifts, jewelry, children’s fashions, spa & bath items, stylish ladies fashions, and more. Twenty percent of the sales from the event will benefit the ECDS PTO.
Our November PTO Open Forum meeting is next Tuesday, November 22 at 9:00 AM in the ECDS Library. Everyone is welcome to come and meet the PTO Board, hear about upcoming events, and talk with us about any ideas or suggestions you want to discuss with us.